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Upgrading from Umbraco 8: What You Need to Know

Upgrading from Umbraco 8: What You Need to Know

We provide an overview of the complexities involved in upgrading an Umbraco project from version 8, and outline how making such a change can be of crucial benefit to you and your organisation.

Keeping your website CMS up to date is crucial for several reasons, and with the end-of-life support for Umbraco 8 approaching in February 2025, many businesses still using this version or older will need to consider their options for upgrading.  Firstly, you receive enhancements in security, protecting your site from vulnerabilities and cyber threats. Secondly, you get any performance improvements, ensuring faster load times and smoother user experiences. Lastly, regular upgrades contribute to the longevity of your site, keeping it compatible with evolving technologies. 

In this article we provide an overview of the complexities involved in upgrading an Umbraco project from version 8, and outline how making such a change can be of crucial benefit to you and your organisation.

Technology Changes 

A significant factor in upgrading from Umbraco 8 is the shift from .NET Framework to .NET Core. This change impacts the amount of effort required to upgrade your Umbraco site. While a considerable amount of code may be reusable, other factors—such as third-party integrations and custom database functionalities—can add complexity to the upgrade process. It’s essential to account for these changes to ensure a smooth transition. 

Choosing the Right Version 

The decision on which version to upgrade to depends on your company's specific needs. Zeroseven generally recommends upgrading to the latest long-term support (LTS) version of Umbraco, which is Umbraco 13 at the time of writing. For businesses that want to stay current with the latest features, upgrading to the most recent supported version is also an option. However, it's worth noting that short-term support versions are only supported until just after the release of the next version. To maintain security and support, clients should be prepared to upgrade at least every 12 months. 

The Upgrade Process 

Umbraco has established a migration strategy to retain content from Umbraco 8 through to the latest version. However, not all editors from Umbraco 8 are supported in newer versions. While content can be retained, some custom development may be necessary to adapt your content to new editors. 

For the underlying code of your site, while much of the logic can be preserved, it will need restructuring to align with the new technology. Upgrading a simple content site may be straightforward, but more complex sites might require additional effort to handle custom processes and integrations. 

Upgrading vs. Building a New Site 

Each website is unique, and unfortunately there are no easy answers when deciding whether upgrading or redesigning is the right approach.  With more complex upgrade processes, Zeroseven often recommends exploring the option of redesigning your website from scratch. Depending on your site's complexity, a redesign might offer a similar cost and provide an excellent opportunity for a much-needed refresh. 

Upgrading from Umbraco 8 involves navigating significant changes in technology, choosing the right version to meet your needs, and understanding the upgrade process. While upgrading can preserve existing content and functionality, it may also require additional development to adapt to new standards. For some businesses, a redesign might be a viable alternative, offering a chance to modernize and enhance your website. Whichever path you choose, careful planning and consideration will ensure a successful transition and continued support for your digital presence. 

Is your Umbraco website feeling outdated and underperforming?  Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can elevate your online presence.